Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 4/4/16
Special Reception Planned For Buechel 40th Anniversary In FDL County Government
A reception has been scheduled to honor Fond du Lac County Executive Allen Buechel for his 40th Anniversary of Public Service. County Director of Administration Erin Gerred says Buechel knows the County and its history thoroughly. She says this is not a retirement party for him, but a way of honoring him for his long service. Buechel is currently the longest serving County Executive in the state with 23 years, but he served on the County Board before that. Buechel was elected to the County Board on April 20th, 1976 and as County Executive on the same date in 1993. The reception will be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19th in Rooms D and E of the City-County Government Center. A presentation will follow at 6:15 in the legislative chambers. The public is welcome to attend.
State Senator Minority Leader Believes Democrats Will Make Gains
The Wisconsin Senate’s minority leader is backing Hillary Clinton for President. Jennifer Shilling says both of the Democratic candidates have their qualities, but she says they differ in their plan and experience and that is why she is backing Hillary Clinton. Shilling thinks Democrats will make gains this year on the national scene and here in Wisconsin. Shilling is also backing State Appeals Court Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg in the State Supreme Court race. She says at a time when the Supreme Court is very fractured and divided, it’s not helpful to place an idealog like Rebecca Bradley on the court.
Improved Fire Insurance Rating In FDL County Mean Lower Rates For Home And Business
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue Chief Peter O’Leary says they are waiting to hear news about the City’s fire insurance rating. The Insurance Service Office or ISO rating works on a scale with 1 being the best. Currently the City has an ISO rating of 2. He says insurance companies look at the ISO rating when they are determining your insurance for your home or business. Chief O’Leary says they are hoping the City’s rating will be improved to a 1 with several things working in the City’s favor including International accreditation. He says the City also made some strides with the dispatch center, water supply and other things it is tested on and setting the ISO rating. He says if the ISO rating is improved to 1 for the City it will also help in attracting new businesses that factor in insurance rates when they are looking at locating somewhere.
Higher Turnout Expected At Polls In FDL County
The state’s Government Accountability Board is predicting a 40 percent turnout at the polls tomorrow, but Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg is expecting a better turnout in the County. She feels 60 percent of registered voters in the County will vote Tuesday. She says she goes by registered voters while the state’s prediction is based on eligible voters. There aren’t any contested seats for Fond du Lac City Council or School Board, but there are seven contested seats for the County Board. Freiberg says that’s one reason for her prediction. She says the Town of Taycheedah also has a hot town board race. She says because of the Presidential Preference Primary she is expecting election observers at the polls and prepared her elections workers for that eventuality. She also says to remember you can only vote one party in the primary election.
State Supreme Court Candidate In Oakfield Today
It’s not really a campaign appearance, but Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg will be in Fond du Lac County today. The State Appeals Court Judge was asked to speak to a political science class at Oakfield High School. Kloppenburg says it’s an honor and privilege. She says she can’t think of a better thing to do the day before the election than talk to high school students about what’s on their mind with respective to the court system in the state. She says she’s looking forward to it. Kloppenburg is running against State Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley in Tuesday’s election. The winner will get a ten year term on the bench.