Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 5/2/16
PFC Hearing In Complaint Against Police Officer
Fond du Lac’s Police and Fire Commission this afternoon will hold an evidentiary hearing for charges Police Chief Bill Lamb brought against an officer. Charges have also been filed against Chief Lamb by Daniel Kaminsky the lawyer for Police Officer Curtis Beck. Beck was reinstated to the police department earlier this year, but is currently on administrative leave. Beck was one of four officers who were subjects of an internal investigation two years ago into alleged extramarital affairs. The other three are no longer with the department. Eight additional hearings have been scheduled if necessary.
Access Limited At Child Support Office During Construction
Fond du Lac County officials inform us that the Fond du Lac Child Support Agency’s main office within the City/County Government Center will be under construction temporarily from May 9 through May 20th. There will be limited access for members of the public seeking assistance at that time. During the construction period, please contact the Child Support Agency by telephone at (920) 929-3057 or via email at childsupport@fdlco.wi.gov. The Child Support Agency website and the Child Support Online Services (CSOS) website will continue to be available throughout this time period. Any person required to attend a court hearing or appointment must still attend. However, please expect delays if you stop at the main office without an appointment or hearing.
Oshkosh Police Station Entrance Closing
The Oshkosh Police Department’s east entrance to the safety building will be closed beginning today at about 4 p.m. and will remain closed until 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. The closure is due to some repair and cleaning of the floor. During the closure, there will be no handicapped access to the building.
Feingold Says Broadband Access In Rural Areas Is Needed
Former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold says broadband access should be considered as important to our infrastructure needs as roads, bridges and our waterways. He says in his efforts to unseat incumbent Senator Ron Johnson he’s visited all parts of the state where people are concerned, especially in rural areas, but lack of access to the internet. He says whether you are a businessman, student or farmer internet access is important. He says broadband should be considered a utility and if he’s elected he would try and do something about the monopolies that limit access to it. He says he would support federal legislation that makes sure municipalities, coops and others could provide the service too.
Assistant Fire Chief Earns Executive Fire Officer Status
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief Steve Beer has earned Executive Fire Officer status. Fire Chief Peter O’Leary says you obtain that through training at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He says it is a four-year commitment in which the officer spends two weeks each year training at the academy. He says there are different areas of instruction. He says those areas include: Executive Development, Community Risk Reduction, Executive Fireground Operations & Tactics, and Executive Leadership.. He says officers also have to successfully complete an applied research paper within the following six months focusing on a problem area within his or her department. He says they have sent others to the academy for different training. He says fire investigators have been sent there for intensive training. Chief O’Leary, Beer and Assistant Chief Todd Janquart have all successfully completed the Executive Fire Officer training at the academy.
ASTOP Volunteer Training Sessions Coming Up
ASTOP is looking for volunteers for their 24-hour crisis line and advocacy services for sexual assault victims. ASTOP Executive Director Jan McDonough says volunteers are important to the services they provide. She says they have an upcoming training session on Saturday, May 14th with a couple of evening follow up sessions after that. She says they try and work around their volunteers’ schedules. She says it would be nice if volunteers could sign up for five shifts a month including working on the crisis line. She says those who are interested in taking the training should call 926-5395.
Twenty Five Year Club Dinner Tonight
The Fond du Lac School District will be adding new members to its 25 Years Club tonight. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says it’s a distinction you earn by putting in 25 years or more working for the district. They have 18 new members this year. He says stories are shared about all the new members of the club. He says it’s a great night to celebrate people who have worked for the school district for a long time and made an incredible impact on students and the community in general. He says it’s something many look forward to. The dinner will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Fond du Lac.