Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 5/23/16
Board Will Discuss Dogs In Parks
Fond du Lac’s Advisory Park Board will begin a discussion today about whether to allow dogs in City parks. The City Council recently referred the matter to the board. It could be the first of multiple discussions before the board on the subject. At their last meeting the City Council kicked around ideas on whether there should be a pilot program in just one park, if dogs should be on a leash and limited to walking and bicycling trails, and other ideas. The board will also elect officers at this meeting, which is at 5:30 p.m. at the City-County Government Center in Room F and G.
Health Officials Aware Of FDL Drinking Issues
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says learning Fond du Lac was among the drunkest cities in America comes as no surprise. She says the fact that 12 Wisconsin cities landed on the list by 24/7 Wall Street was a little surprising. But she says the ranking wasn’t just based on how many people drink to excess. She says it also had to do with the number of taverns, how far apart they are, and where schools fall within that radius. She says health officials in the County knew about the drinking problem through a community health assessment. She says it ranked in their top four priorities so they knew the County has a big issue with drinking. She says the good news is there are coalitions within the County that are working on reducing the problem. On that 24/7 Wall Street list, Fond du Lac ranked 7th in the nation.
FDL Housing Authority Will Have To Pay More For Refuse Pickup In NFDL
The North Fond du Lac Village Board recently decided the Fond du Lac Housing Authority should be paying the village more for refuse pickup in addition to what they pay the village in lieu of taxes. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says the discussion evolved out of previous discussions about their pickup up of refuse from non-owner occupied duplexes. He says the Housing Authority makes payment in lieu of taxes instead of property taxes on the 12 facilities they own in the Village. He says the question had to do whether that was fair when to residents who pay property taxes and refuse collection costs. He says the board felt the Housing Authority should pay more, which will come to about $1,200.
Downtown Exploratory Committee Unique
Fond du Lac City Council President Lee Ann Lorrigan says she’s excited about the work the Downtown Exploratory Committee is doing. The committee has met several times now including last week. Lorrigan says committee members have good ideas she says it’s a work in progress and they have a lot on their plate. She says it’s unlike your usual government boards and committees because of the make up of its membership. She says they are helping shape what the future of Fond du Lac will look like. She says although the committee is in its infancy other cities have taken notice and inquired about how they can form similar inquiries. She says City Manager Joe Moore informed the Council of that at a recent meeting.
MPTC Budget News
Next month the Moraine Park Technical College District Board will consider approving a $51 million operating budget. Moraine Park Vice President of Finance and Administration Carrie Kasubaski says tuition will also be going up by 1.5 percent, which she says is still a very good value at $130 a credit. She says property values are expected to increase so that will reduce the college’s mill rate and taxes on a $100,000 home will decrease slightly from $67.18 to $66.54. She says they also have a number of capital projects. She says that will include updates for their health and wellness program at the West Bend campus, a new unisex restroom and mothers’ nursing room at Beaver Dam and improvements at their Fond du Lac campus. Restrooms will be remodeled and the Information Technology Department. She says there will also be a new bookstore remodel on the Fond du Lac campus.
Habitat Will Run Trams During Walleye Weekend
Habitat for Humanity will be running two trams in Lakeside Park for Walleye Weekend. Habitat Executive Director Tom Wilhelms says they will start out in the parking lot near the ReStore on West Scott Street in Fond du Lac. He says the trams will make stops throughout the park so people can get on and off in the area they want to. There’s no cost, but donations are encouraged. He says there is a fee if you’re going to park in the ReStore parking lot. Hours aren’t set, but are likely to be 2 to 7 p.m. that Friday, 11 to 7 on Saturday, and 10:30 to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The trams are being made available through donations for the Burnett Antique Tractor Club, Empire Threshing Association, and Gellings Implement.
FDL County Memorial Day Office Closings Announced
Fond du Lac County has announced office closings for the Memorial Day Holiday. Next Monday County offices in the City/County Government Center, the Sheriff’s Office Lobby Window, the Portland Street Annex including the Veterans Service Office, the Department of Social Services and the Highway Department will be closed all day in observance of Memorial Day.
FDL Company Recognized For New Product
A Fond du Lac company was among nine companies who recently received the Governor’s New Product Award. Manninen Innovations LLC of Fond du Lac took third place in the small company category for a product called Choropoly. It’s an innovative chore tracking system for kids. The awards were presented at the 39th Annual Governor’s New Product Awards Banquet in Milwaukee.