Local News Briefs Saturday 1/25/14

State Representative Jeremy
Thiesfeldt says it will be interesting to see how a couple states do after they
decriminalized marijuana. He says in particular
Colorado where officials have been talking
about the additional revenue that will be coming in and how some that money
will go toward education. He finds that a bit ironic. The state lawmaker from
Fond du Lac says he doesn’t dispute the fact that the nation may be moving
closer to decriminalizing marijuana, but he doesn’t believe the majority of the
residents in the 52nd State Assembly District and Wisconsin are ready for that.

City Manager Goals Will Be
Done In Open Session

Fond du Lac City Council
President Sam Meyer says City Manager Joe Moore scored superbly on an
evaluation the Council did during a closed session this week. Using a rating
scale from one to five with five being the best score Moore scored an average of 4.48 on leadership
and management criteria. He says they were very satisfied and Moore got a grade of “A” from them. Meyer
says the City Council and Moore will go over his
2014 goals for Fond du Lac
during the City Council’s next meeting. He says in the spirit of transparency
the goal setting will be done in open session.

Snowplow Reminder

With more snow forecast
this weekend a state trooper is asking drivers to give snowplow operators room
to operate. Trooper Scott Hlinak of the Fond
du Lac
post says you should increase your following
distance and expect the unexpected. He says sometimes they need to back up or
scrape more when they get to an intersection. He says snowplow operators can’t
always see you when you are behind them. He says snowplow drivers have had a
busy winter. He also reminds drivers to slow down in snowy conditions because
it takes a greater distance to stop when something happens in front of you.

Village Of NFDL Develops Policy For Utility Bill

With new state laws
regarding privacy the Village
of North Fond du Lac
to go from postcards for utility bills to sealed envelopes and as such have
developed a policy for what goes into those envelops. Village Administrator
Chuck Hornung says they will have the ability to include inserts with those
utility bills, but wanted to limit requests for what could be inserted with the
bills. He says if it’s a village function for a non-profit organization and
they provide the paper with information on the function they will be willing to
do that. He says they will be able to put up to three sheets in with the bills
without it costing them additional postage.

Waupun Correctional Project
Among Projects Approved By State

The state’s building
commission this week approved several projects including construction of an
officer station repair project at Waupun Correctional Institution. Other
projects approved by the commission included construction of phase II of the
Rib Mountain State Park modernization project and construction of new
facilities at two campgrounds in Devil’s Lake State Park.

Habitat ReStore Job Opening

Habitat for Humanity of
Fond du Lac County is looking for a person willing to work in their ReStore.
Starting next month the ReStore will have a position available for 30 to 35
hours of work per week. The employee will work in a retail capacity.
Applications are available at the Habitat ReStore at 150 South Brooke Street in Fond du Lac. Questions
can be directed to (920) 921-2893.