Local News
Local News Briefs Saturday 11/15/14
Dodge County Sheriff’s officials cited a 30-year-old
drunken driving offense after he rolled his vehicle over in the Town of Oak
Grove Thursday night. Jeremy Vorpagel was taken to
to be treated for his injuries following the mishap on Highway 33 at
Later he was taken to the Dodge County Jail. The accident happened about 9 p.m.
that evening.
Transparent Methodology Important In
Exploratory Committee Discussions
The chairman of the Lakeside Park Exploratory Committee says
he realizes just how important it is to keep the public abreast of the work
they are doing on the committee. Dr. John Short updated the
work the 17-member panel is doing. They are tasked with coming up with
recommendations on how to best use the park now and into the future. Because of
the large number of residents and park users who have a stake in the park Short
says they are very aware of how important it is to be transparent in their
discussions. The committee will give its recommendations and final report to
the Council next June.
Gudex Says Recent Election A Reaffirmation
State Senator Rick Gudex says Republicans added to their
majorities in the State Senate and State Assembly during the November 4th
election, which will them to continue to work on the state’s recovery from an
economic depression the state was in when Governor Walker first took office. He
says they gained a seat in the Senate and three in the Assembly. The state
lawmaker from
says he believes the election shows the confidence state residents have in
what’s being done in the state legislature.
Friends Of The
this week paid tribute to the Friends of the
of the Loop Coalition and those who made the bicycle and walking path in and
around the City possible. A couple members of the group accepted a copy of the
proclamation from City Council President Sam Meyer. John McDowell of the group
said a lot of people had a hand in making it possible, but singled out Public
Works Director Jordan Skiff and his staff in particular. He says Skiff’s
leadership was a key to their success.
Donate A
Area residents who would like to donate a turkey for a
holiday meal for a needy family will have several opportunities today in
Army Captain Steve Wilson says they will have their truck parked at the Pick ‘N
Save on Pioneer, Piggly Wiggly and Festival Foods for several hours to taken turkey
donations. He says they have 700 families signed up for their holiday
assistance program this year. Sign up for the holiday program was last month.
Waupun Veterans Celebration
Waupun’s 175th Anniversary Celebration continues with a
Celebration of Veterans today at the
open at 1 p.m. for a display of artifacts and pictures. The program begins at 2
p.m. It will include an honor guard, veterans’ slide show, the showing of the
“Honor Flight” movie, mail call and re-enactors. A reception will follow the
closing ceremonies at 5 p.m.
Winter Parking Restrictions Begin Tonight
It’s time once again to be aware of what day of the week it
is when you park your car on the street in
parking restrictions begin today, which means parking on the even side of the
street on even-numbered days after 8 p.m. and vice-versa for odd-numbered days
like today. It’s a little simpler in Ripon where there’s no parking on any
a.m. to 6 a.m. In Waupun there’s no parking on any
whenever 2 or more inches of snow is expected. The fine varies from City to
City if you violate the parking restrictions.