Local News
Local News Briefs Saturday 4/23/16
Purple Heart To Be Returned During FDL Ceremony
A long lost WW II Purple Heart will be returned during a ceremony in Fond du Lac this afternoon. The medal will be returned to the family of Private First Class Woodrow Wilson Grubb who lost his life during the Pacific campaign in 1944. The ceremony will be held at the American Legion Post at 3 p.m. The medal was discovered by a Rochester, Pennsylvania VFW Chaplain. During today’s ceremony it will be given to Grubb’s niece Phyllis Grubb England. The medal is being returned through the efforts of Purple Hearts Reunited, a nonprofit organization that returns medals of valor to veterans or their families.
House Fire In Town Of Kewaskum
No one was home during a house fire in the Town of Kewaskum late Thursday morning. Washington County Sheriff’s officials say when deputies arrived light to moderate smoke was coming from a residence in the 4000 block of W. Moraine Drive. Firefighters were able to restrict the blaze to a room in the home. Several birds died, but no firefighters were injured. Baby chickens were being warmed by a heat lamp and investigators believe the fire may have started there.
Millions Will Be Invested In New Hangar At County Airport
The Fond du Lac County Board this week approved a contract with MI-Approach LLC for construction and occupancy of a hangar at the County Airport. It is a 30 year agreement. Rent will be $2,500 per year, but that’s subject to review every five years. Supervisor John Zorn is the Vice-Chair of the County Board’s Highway, Airport and Facilities Committee. He says MI-Approach will put millions of dollars into construction of the hangar. He says they already have a multi-million dollar hangar at the airport and deal with multi-million dollar corporate jets. He says it is a project that will be very good for Fond du Lac County.
Future County Executive In Training
Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel celebrated 40 years in County Government this week, the last 23 years as County Executive. He told County supervisors he intends to run for another four year term as County Executive next spring and will serve it if voters put him back in office. Buechel told KFIZ News he has a great staff working for him and even said that his Director of Administration, Erin Gerred, would make a good County Executive. He says he’s been training her to be the next County Executive or to teach the next County Executive on the job. Buechel says her ability to learn the job over the last six years and to always make the right decision has been phenomenal.
Zika Virus Possible But Not Likely In FDL County
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says Zika virus is a possibility, but not likely a probability for the County. Mueller this week updated County supervisors on the mosquito-borne virus. She says the types of mosquitoes carrying the virus aren’t likely to migrate to our area. She says the biggest risk is someone from here traveling to an area that has the virus, contracting it and bringing it back. She says just the same her department is working with Agnesian HealthCare to make sure everyone is getting the latest information and is educated about the virus. She says the biggest risk is to pregnant women and their babies.
Nick Evans Retires From the Sheriffs Department
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Deputy Nick Evans retired Friday after 34 years with the department. He took the traditional ramp walk at the end of the day; an honor reserved for veterans of the Sheriff’s Office. Evans served in many capacities over his time with the department doing traffic enforcement, working in the jail, on boat patrol, and as one time SWAT commander. But he says if he had to pick out his favorite role it was serving with the Department’s Honor Guard. He says he was particularly proud to participate in the funerals for Fond du Lac Police Officer Craig Birkholz and State Trooper Trevor Casper, and they even presented the colors at a Brewer’s game. He says he even got to help hold up a large American Flag at Lambeau Field following 9-11.
United Coop Annual Meeting Held In Juneau This Week
Several hundred people attended the United Cooperative’s 80th annual meeting at the Juneau Community Center this week. David Cramer, United Cooperative president and chief executive officer, reported revenues for 2015 were $582 million. United Cooperative is returning $28 million in total patronage to members. Forty percent of this patronage, or $11.3 million, was distributed in cash to United Cooperative’s patron member owners and the rest was retained in equity credits. The Beaver Dam-based cooperative has 26 locations in Wisconsin including one in Ripon.
Earth Week Opportunities In FDL Today
Earth Week activities in Fond du Lac continue today with some opportunities for residents. City residents can dispose of their bulky-waste at the Municipal Service Center at 490 Doty Street for half price. Hours are from 8 a.m. to noon. Fox Valley Savings Bank at 51 E. 1st Street will be doing free paper shredding from 9 to 11 a.m. Participants are asked to limit materials to two grocery bags of paper.