Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 10/16/14
The latest Marquette University Law School Poll shows Republican Governor Scott
Walker and Democratic challenger Mary Burke tied among those who say they are
likely to vote on November 4th, with 47-percent each. Poll Director Charles
Franklin says that’s down from a five-point lead for
September. Among registered
led Burke 48-to-45, which is within the poll’s margin of error. The poll of 1,004 registered voters,
with 803 being likely voters, was conducted last Thursday through Sunday. It
had a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.2-percent among registered voters and
3.5-percent among likely voters.
The latest Marquette University Law School Poll shows the race for attorney
general in the state remains too close to call. Poll director Charles Franklin
says Republican Brad Schimel and Democrat Susan Happ were tied at 42-percent
among likely voters in the latest survey results, released Wednesday. Both
candidates continue to have problems with name recognition. About 74-percent of
respondents said they don’t know enough about Schimel to have an opinion of
him, while 72-percent said the same about Happ.
Domestic Violence Program Friday
will host their first annual “Shining the Light on Domestic Violence” event
this Friday. The event will begin at
6:30 p.m. and will take place at the Village Green in downtown Ripon. There will be multiple speakers discussing
the cycle of abuse and what can be done to be part of the solution. There will also be hot apple cider and our
evening will conclude with a candlelight walk to support survivors, to bring
awareness, and to remember those that have lost their lives due to Domestic
Violence. The event is being coordinated Crystal Toll, a Ripon native. She became a survivor of Domestic Violence on
May 27th of last year.
Glory Fundraiser Saturday At FDL American Legion Post
American Legion Post in
will host a fundraiser this Saturday for the Old Glory Honor Flights. Donna
Wilhelms of the American Legion Auxiliary says the event will be from 4 to 8
p.m. The Sons of the American Legion will have a “Octoberfest Beer Fest” with
as many as 12 beers to sample and a brewing demonstration. She says one of
their members is a caterer who is preparing a German meal with a little help
from the other ladies. Beer Cheese & Potato soups will also be available as
part of the meal or “ala carte.” The cost for the meal is $10. Other highlights
include a silent auction, 50/50 raffle and bake sale. The event is partially
sponsored by Thrivent Financial.
Theft of Bow
The Dodge County Sheriff’s
Office is investigating a theft of a Hoyt Carbon Spyder Turbo Compund Bow
having a performance tuning package, arrow rest, quiver, and site. The bow was purchased in 2013. The bow was stolen from a victim’s residence
in the
The Dodge County Sheriff’s
Office is asking the public and archery businesses to be on the lookout for the
bow. Anyone having information about the
stolen bow can contact the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office at 920-386-3726,
attention Detective Brugger. For additional information please contact Sheriff
Patricia Ninmann.