Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 11/20/14
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials suspect a medical condition lead to the death of 59-year-old semi-driver from Iowa who drove his truck into a cornfield Wednesday morning. The semi went through a stop sign at East Larsen Drive and Hickory Road in the Town of Fond du Lac. It continued west for several hundred yards coming to rest in the field. The driver was found unconscious and slumped over the wheel. A Sheriff’s deputy and Fond du Lac City ambulance responded to the scene and performed CPR. He was taken to St. Agnes Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The incident was reported to County Dispatch at 7:44 a.m.
FDL Man Charged For Domestic Abuse
A 28-year-old Fond du Lac man is facing a number of domestic abuse charges for incidents that occurred Sunday and Monday. Carlos Flores, Jr. made an initial appearance in Fond du Lac County Court Wednesday on 16 different charges that included false imprisonment, battery, intimidating a victim, 4th degree sexual assault, contacting a victim after a domestic abuse arrest and more. Bond was set at $10,000 cash and he was ordered not to have contact with the female victim. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for December 4th.
FDL County Tops Traffic Death Total From 2013
Fond du Lac County will finish 2014 with more traffic accident fatalities than it recorded last year. An accident that killed two Fond du Lac teens last weekend on Triple T Road gave the County 10 deaths for the year compared to 9 for all of last year. Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says the accident was also the first multiple fatal accident in the County in over two years. In 2012 the County had 22 traffic deaths and three multiple-fatal accidents. Olig says that included a fatal accident in Campbellsport in February, the motorcycle accident in May, and an accident in September of 2012 that killed an Eden couple. According to the state’s Department of Transportation the five-year average between 2009 and 2013 for the County was 10 traffic deaths a year.
Deer Registration Important
A Department of Natural Resources official says registering your deer during the gun-deer season will help them with some newer programs. DNR Bureau of Wildlife administrator Tom Hague says the DNR does collect age information on deer at a number of registration stations during the season. He says they will have staff at about 100 registration stations taking information on as many as 25,000 deer. He says one of the newer programs is a deer management assistance program for landowners who can get some pointers on how they can improve their land for deer. Meanwhile at the County level Deer Advisory Councils have been formed in all 72 of the state counties to help with recommendations relative to the deer population objectives for each county over the next three years. The gun deer season starts on Saturday.
Weather Contractor Improves Accuracy For FDL County Needs
Fond du Lac County Communications and Emergency Management Director Jim McNabb says the County contracts with a private weather forecasting service. He says the reason for that is because the County falls between the areas covered by the National Weather Service offices in Green Bay and Sullivan. He says we are on the northern edge for Sullivan and the southern edge for Green Bay. He says they can give County officials a very accurate forecast if there’s a threat of severe weather. He says they are accurate 85 to 90 percent of the time. McNabb says it’s a little different during the winter because winter storms can usually be forecast days ahead while in the summer thunderstorms and tornadoes can pop up at a moment’s notice.
Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day
Governor Walker has proclaimed today as “Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day.” Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb says the state has a valued, long-standing partnership with county highway departments who do the bulk of the plowing along the state highway system. He says about 3,000 people that work for our counties and municipalities work long hours in some very tough conditions during winter weather to get our roads plowed.
He says one thing we can do to make their job easier is to give them the room they need to work. If you must travel, state law requires drivers to stay at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow.
Marian Nursing Programs Accredited
Marian University’s nursing programs have received reaffirmation of their accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education following an extensive self-study and site visit. Dr. Nancy Stuever, department chair of the graduate nursing programs at Marian University says,” The support we have received from the Sisters of St. Agnes, from parents, students, our professional colleagues and the community in general has made this all possible.” The accreditation is granted for 10 years, extending Marian’s accreditation to December 31, 2024.
Sigma Holiday House At New Location Saturday
The Sigma Holiday House has a new location this year. Kristin Zitlow of Sigma says they will be holding the event at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Center this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. She says the Expo Building will give them more room for the traditional holiday event. She says they have over 70 artists and vendors this year. There will also be raffles and a silent auction and if you get there early enough Sigma cookies. Zitlow says proceeds go right back into the community. Last year they donated over $22,000 back into the community. Advance tickets are available at a number of locations including Horicon Bank, The Knitting Room, National Exchange Bank & Trust, Partners by Design, Saavy Boutique, and Wegner Office Supply. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. For a dollar more there is a coat check room.
Love Light Tree Star Honors Agnesian Employees Who Passed Away
The star atop this year’s Love Light Tree, sponsored by the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation, will shine in memory of individuals lost from the Agnesian HealthCare family this past year. This year’s star shines for Agnesian HealthCare Volunteers including Barbara Fisch, Marian Hannes, Larry Hughes, Anthony May, Michael Porath, Vicki Lynn Preston-Esler, John (Jack) J. Rohde, Sr., Blaine Toshner and Anthony “Tony” Vranak. This year’s 2014 Love Light fund drive, presented by the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation, will help the Domestic Violence Program continue its mission to advocate for survivors, as well as to educate hospital and clinic staff and other healthcare providers so they can in turn screen patients they see for abuse. The public is invited to attend this year’s Love Light Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10 at the St. Agnes Hospital lobby. Love Lights can be purchased through December 31 at the information desks at either St. Agnes Hospital or the Fond du Lac Regional Clinic and cost $10 each.