Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 2/18/16
American Sweepstakes Scam
Oshkosh Police say someone is using the American Sweepstakes’ company name to scam people out of money. They contacted company officials after getting a call from a resident. Someone saying they were with the company called to say the resident won a substantial prize, but needed to purchase a green dot card worth $500. They were then supposed to call a Robert Carson at 585-484-1711 to speak about the card they had purchased. Police called the phone number to try and reach the scammer and left a message hoping the scammer would call back. They advise hanging up if you get a similar call.
DNR Plans Prescribed Burns In Three FDL County Townships
The state DNR is planning to do prescribed burns in three Fond du Lac County townships this spring. Those burns would be in the towns of Waupun, Oakfield, and Lamartine weather permitting. Prescribed burning is part of an ongoing effort to preserve and restore the landscape found within DNR properties throughout the state. The burns reduce leaf litter, improve wildlife habitat, redistribute nutrients and help control invasive species.
For the complete list click here.
Unattended Cooking Fires
The Division Chief of Fire Prevention for Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue says he can’t repeat enough times that you should never leave something that is cooking unattended. Troy Haase says in the last two years they’ve responded to nearly 60 cooking fires. He says they had 27 in 2015 and 29 the year before, but not all of them were unattended. He says it’s frustrating to repeat the importance of not walking away from something that’s cooking. Haase notes the first week of this month was burn and scald week to make people aware of those types of injuries. He says that’s something you also risk if you don’t monitor what you’re cooking. He says there’s also a risk to children and pets. Last week there were two unattended cooking fires in the City.
Grand GiveBack Contest Returns For Third Year At Walleye Weekend
For the third straight year Verve, a Credit Union, will sponsor the Grand GiveBack Story Contest for Walleye Weekend. Fond du Lac Festivals Executive Director Leanne Doyle says it’s a chance for nonprofits, schools and service clubs to tell how their Walleye Weekend participation improves members’ lives or the lives of those their group serves. Last year’s winner was the Morning Kiwanis Club of Fabulous Fond du Lac. John Cooper of the Club told their story in a video you can find on the Festival’s website. The Club donated money to develop a story walk. The top ten stories submitted to Fond du Lac Festivals by March 21st will be featured on KFIZ and 107 The Bull with a chance at winning the grand prize of $1,000. The winner will be announced a week before Walleye Weekend. The nine runners-up will each receive $100 through the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. Entries can be emailed to Fond du Lac Festivals. info@fdlfest.com
Scholarships Available At UW FDL
The University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac Foundation has scholarship funding available for both incoming and continuing students planning to attend UW-Fond du Lac. The deadline for applications is April 1. Scholarship applications and information can be found at the UW-Fond du Lac website or by calling the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at 920-929-1335. During the current academic year, 41 students at the university have been awarded more than $36,000 in UW-Fond du Lac Foundation scholarships.
FDL High School Post-Prom Committee Seeks Donations from Individuals, Businesses
The Fond du Lac High School Senior Prom is scheduled for Saturday, May 21st The parent-volunteer Post-Prom Committee is working to provide a fun, memorable, and, most importantly, SAFE Post Prom for the 500+ senior students and their guests following the Prom dance. In the past, more than 80 percent of all students who attended the Prom also attended the Post-Prom party.
The Post-Prom committee is seeking prize contributions and/or financial support so that they can make this an entertaining and memorable experience for the students. These donations, to a great degree, are what make the event such a huge success. Whatever your business and/or you are able to donate to the event will be greatly appreciated. Donations may be in the form of cash, merchandise, or gift certificates. A member of the Post-Prom committee will be happy to pick up any donations at your convenience.
If you have any questions about donations or the Post-Prom festivities, contact Angie Miller at 920-602-6613 (millerangie3@gmail.com) Kris Hettenhaus (khetten@gmail.com ) or Cheri Everson at 920-517-2622 (cherieverson4@gmail.com )