Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 8/14/14
A 20-year-old Appleton man was seriously injured Wednesday night when he lost control of his motorcycle went off the road and struck a tree. Winnebago County Sheriff’s officials say the accident happened on County Highway H near Oak Lane in the Town of Wolf River. He was found unconscious. Theda Star helicopter flew him to Theda Clark Regional Medical Center. The accident was reported at 8:12 p.m.
Washington County House Fire
Fire caused damage to a home in Washington County’s Town of Polk Tuesday night. Sheriff’s officials say the fire was at 3055 Western Avenue and was limited to a bedroom. Firefighters extinguished a small smoldering type of blaze that caused about $15,000 in damage. No one was injured putting out the fire. The cause of the fire is still being determined.
FDL City Council Approves Parking Agreement With Yacht Club
The Fond du Lac City Council last night unanimously agreed to 5-year lease with the Yacht Club for the parking of boats on a City lot during the off season for boating. Public Works Director Jordan Skiff says it calls for an increase from the current charge of $3 per boat foot to $3.75. He says there are several advantages to working with the Yacht Club. He says the Yacht Club is willing to work with non-members to lift the boats out of the water and provide storage on the City lot passing along the fees to the City. Skiff says Yacht Club members were open to the higher fee for storage, but their membership won’t vote on the agreement until September 2nd.
Harris Issues Debate Challenge To 6th Congressional Candidates
A likely recount in the Republican primary for the 6th Congressional District hasn’t stopped Democratic candidate for Congress Mark Harris from issuing a challenge to both of his potential opponents. Harris held a press conference in Oshkosh yesterday issuing a challenge to both Glenn Grothman and Joe Leibham to hold a debate in each of the counties in the district. He says his campaign has already accepted at least two debate invitations and he expects more to come. “The voters are eager to hear our debates in real time and not through the lens of paid television commercials,” Harris said. Harris has been the Winnebago County Executive since 2005. He has private sector experience as an attorney and a CPA, and previously served on the Oshkosh City Council, including one term as Mayor.
Sheboygan County Accident
(WHBL-Sheboygan)-A Glenbeulah man miraculously escaped serious injury Tuesday night after he pulled out in front of a semi at the intersection of Highway 23 and Sheboygan County Highway A near Greenbush. The Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Department says 21-year-old Joshua Lawonn was driving a Lincoln Town Car which was struck broadside by the semi, driven by 53-year-old Alan Devine, of Adell. Devine wasn’t injured but Lawonn, who at first refused medical attention, was taken to St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan for treatment of minor injuries.
Waupun Common Council Accepts Bid For Second Phase Of Trail Project
The Waupun Common Council this week approved the lowest bid to continue construction on its ongoing citywide trail project. The bid came from the Milwaukee-based company, Advance Construction. With the acceptance of the bid, stage two of the path will be able to be completed. Mayor Kyle Clark explained that the path will run along the Rock River from North Madison Street to Fond du Lac Street with a combination of asphalt and boardwalk segments. After this part of the trail is completed, Clark says the plans for the third and final section will be added on next year. That portion would extend from Gateway Drive to Highway 49 and meet up with the Wild Goose State Trail. With this newest portion, the total project cost to date tops $800,000.
Crossbow Deer Hunt Approved
The state’s Natural Resources Board Wednesday approved the DNR’s recommendations to establish a deer hunting season in which the use of a crossbow is allowed. A crossbow deer hunting license is available for any qualified hunter to purchase – this will be the first time many Wisconsin deer hunters will have the opportunity to hunt with a crossbow. The crossbow deer hunting season will run concurrent with the archery season. During open firearm seasons, a gun deer license will authorize bow and crossbow use. Crossbow licenses include one statewide buck tag and one Farmland Zone antlerless tag. Those who purchase both an archer license and a crossbow license will receive only one set of tags.
Fill The Boot Effort In FDL
Members of the Fond du Lac Fire Department Local #400 will kick off their annual Fill the Boot fundraising campaign today. It’s the 60th year they teamed up with the Muscular Dystrophy Association to benefit children and adults affected by muscle disease throughout the Fond du Lac area. Andrew Aird is with Local 400 he says one of the efforts that benefits is a children’s summer camp in Green Lake. He says last year they were able to raise $12,000 and they hope for even more this year. They have a goal of $15,000. Members of the Local 400 will fan out across the city with boots in hand for this year’s drive on today and Friday, and Friday, August 22nd from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. They will be at the intersections of Main & Division St., and 4th & National.