Local News
Local News Briefs Tuesday 1/13/15
Sheboygan County authorities have charged two Sheboygan men for two separate robberies that occurred in Sheboygan over the weekend. Thirty-two-year-old Grant Klitzka is suspected of robbing a Subway restaurant Sunday night of several hundred dollars. Police used tracks left in snow to find him at an apartment about a block away. Also charged is 48-year-old Darin Beverly who is suspected of dressing like a woman to rob a Wells Fargo bank last Friday. Sheboygan Police found him hiding in the basement of an apartment building. They also located the stolen money. He told investigators he robbed the bank after drinking and using crack cocaine.
Brother And Sister Suspected Of Staging West Bend Robbery
West Bend Police suspect a brother and sister staged a robbery at the Jiffy Stop on East Decorah Road last Thursday. Investigators determined the 26-year-old clerk Amanda Sutton and her 27-year-old brother Anthony Sutton cooked up a plan to make it look like the store was robbed. She called police and told them a suspect in a ski mask robbed her at knife point taking cash. No one else was in the store at the time of the robbery. The two were arrested and theft, obstructing, heroin and drug paraphernalia possession charges are pending against them.
Ryan Will Not Run For President In 2016
(Wisconsin Radio Network)-Those hoping to see U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) at the top of the Republican ticket in November of 2016 can stop speculating. In an interview with NBC News, the Wisconsin Congressman says he has decided not to run for president in two years. Instead, Paul Ryan says he wants to spend the time focusing on how he can make a difference in his new role as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. He hopes passing up a 2016 presidential campaign will show he’s ready to devote his undivided attention to the influential committee. Ryan was the Republican Party’s vice-presidential nominee in 2012, when he served as Mitt Romney’s running mate. He was sworn in last week to start his ninth term in Congress representing Wisconsin’s First Congressional District.
FDL School Board Accepts Assistant Principals Resignation
The Fond du Lac School Board last night approved the resignation of Sabish Middle School Assistant Principal Jill Mussett. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says Mussett has been with the district a year and a half, but had an opportunity to take a job closer to where she lives in Appleton. She was offered a job in the Freedom School District where she will be an assistant principal at an elementary school and their district curriculum person. He says it is a career advancement for her. He says she just had a baby last summer and it makes a lot of sense for her. He says they wish her well and are grateful for the time they had with her. He says they did post the job and got about 60 applicants from both within and outside the district. He says they will go through the applications this week and set up some interviews. He says if they can’t find the right person now they will make due and post the position again in the spring.
Parking Ticket Secret Shopper Scams
Fond du Lac Police Officer Steve Olson says there are a few scams they are hearing about from residents. One involves an email that advises the person receiving it that they owe money on an unpaid parking ticket received out-of-state and are facing arrest. It asks the person receiving it to click on a link to get details about the unpaid ticket. He says of course if you click on the link you make your computer vulnerable to the sender of the email. He says the “secret shopper” scam is also making its way through the area again with a sender sending people a check to be a “secret shopper.” The sender always sends a check for greater than the amount they are paying you and asks you to send the surplus amount back to them via Western Union. Olson says the check is a phony even though the bank it purports to come from isn’t.
Kleefisch Favors Expansion Of School Choice Program
Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch says she’s in favor of expanding the school voucher program. She says people should have the choice of where they want to send their children to school especially if they feel they will receive a better education there. She says people tend to know what’s best for their own children. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt of Fond du Lac chairs the State Assembly’s Education Committee. Currently the school voucher program is capped at 1,000 students state wide.
E Cigarette Use
The program coordinator for 5 Counties for Tobacco Free Living, which includes Fond du Lac County, says for now the battle on banning the use of E cigarettes in public places will have to be done locally. Sandy Bernier says E cigarettes aren’t banned through state law, but for instance Fond du Lac County banned the use of them in County-owned facilities. She says she can’t speak for other counties, but the whole idea behind banning smoking in public places through state law was safe, clean air for everyone. She doesn’t believe the vapor coming from E cigarettes is safe, but says it’s something that is going to have to be addressed by counties and municipalities. Winnebago County is currently in the preliminary phase of putting together its own ban on E cigarettes, which would at first address indoor public settings in County buildings.
FDL City Council To Recognize Adult School Crossing Guards
Regardless of the weather, they’re out there protecting our state’s youngest, most vulnerable pedestrians. For their efforts, adult school crossing guards are being recognized this week. Larry Corsi is with the state Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Safety, says crossing guards provide a vital community service. He says it’s very important to have crossing guards at schools. He says it’s also important to teach students that the best place to cross a street is in the cross walk. Remember state law requires you stop at least 10 feet from a school crossing when directed by a crossing guard. The Fond du Lac City Council will honor crossing guards with a proclamation during their meeting Wednesday night.
Waupun Memorial Hospital Hosting Weight Watchers Series
A new Weight Watchers At Work series is slated to start at Waupun Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, January 28. An open house meeting is scheduled at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21 for current and interested new members to show interest and sign up. Weight Watchers will be giving away two “Turn Up the Flavor” cookbooks at the open house meeting. The Weight Watchers At Work program is offered every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the St. Francis Room at Waupun Memorial Hospital, located on the hospital’s second floor. Meetings are led by Joann O’Connor, Weight Watchers meeting facilitator.