Local News
Local News Briefs Tuesday 2/23/16
Six Hurt In FDL Accident
Six people were injured when two SUVs collided head on Saturday night in Fond du Lac. The accident happened on North Main Street near Dutch’s Trading Post. Two of those hurt were critically injured. The accident was reported at 9:13 p.m.
Three People Killed In Columbia County Accident
Three people were killed in a single vehicle rollover accident Sunday night in Columbia County. Sheriff Dennis Richards says the crash happened on County Highway P at Whitetail Drive in the Town of Pacific. That’s about three miles south of Portage. Four people were trapped in 1998 Buick LeSabre. An 18-year-old woman driving the car and two male passengers died at the scene. Medflight flew another male passenger to UW Hospital in Madison.
Million Dollar Powerball Winner In Beaver Dam
A Powerball ticket worth $1 million was sold at a grocery store in Beaver Dam. Rechek’s Food Pride on North Spring Street sold the ticket for Saturday’s drawing. Store officials found out through an in-store lottery device about the big winner and state lottery officials confirmed it when they called the store. Meanwhile the Powerball jackpot for Wednesday night’s drawing will be worth $236 million.
Fourth Street Water Service Works Starts Today
The City Water Department will be doing water service work that will begin today. Crews will be lowering the water services on Fourth Street between South Park Avenue and South National Avenue. The water service work is expected to continue through March. Fourth Street will remain open to traffic; however the parking lanes will be closed to allow excavation work to be completed. Residents on Fourth Street will see minimal water disruptions. Residents with questions or concerns may contract the City Water Utility at 920-322-3680.
ATC Aerial Saw Work Starts On Transmission Line This Week
American Transmission Company officials say a helicopter and heavy-duty air saw will be used beginning this week to trim trees along two transmission lines, from Germantown to Mishicot. In Fond du Lac County the transmission line runs through the Towns of Calumet, Marshfield, Forest, Eden, Osceola, and Ashford. Aerial Solutions, Inc. has been contracted to manage vegetation growth along the 172 miles of transmission line corridors. The helicopters used by Aerial Solutions are equipped with heavy-duty air saws with rotary blades suspended on a 90- to 100-foot vertical boom.
To see the map click here.
FDL School Board Notes
The Fond du Lac School Board Monday night heard from some of this past year’s Acuity Fund grant recipients. Grant applications are due by March 1st. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says the grants allow teachers to give students experiences they might not otherwise experience in a classroom. The school board also heard about Tommy Award nominations the Fond du Lac High School Music Department received. Sebert says they put on some memorable performances this year including Mary Poppins. The Tommys are the high school equivalent of the Tonys. Sebert also informed the board about a trip the High School Leadership in Adventure class will be taking for an indoor skydiving experience. The board also approved a field trip to Germany for a high school German class. Sebert says those types of trips help round out a student’s education. The board also approved two more years for the girls hockey co-op team.
Lawsuit Tries To Stop Sand Mine
Members of a group that filed a lawsuit to stop a sand mining operation in the Town of Ashford say people living near the mine should have gotten more consideration before a permit was issued. Stop The Ongoing Mine Permit or STOMP was launched after the Town’s Board of Appeals issued a special exception permit to Batlzer Trucking last August. Debbie Bates of the group says there are a lot of people living in the area where the mine is located. She says the majority of the area is residential and the sand stirred up in the mine will be blowing into an abutting cul-de-sac. Stephanie Brehm says the mine also sits on top of their water supply. She says they are worried about their health, their water and how the mine will affect the property values of their homes. Bates says a lot of people walk in the area, children are bussed to school, and they are worried about the truck traffic that will be associated with the mine. The lawsuit is currently working its way through Fond du Lac County Court.
NFDL Water Budgets Approved
The North Fond du Lac Village Board recently approved the village’s water, wastewater, and stormwater budgets for 2016. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says the board heard presentations on those budgets the meeting before last. He says because the budgets were considered over two meetings there was little discussion before the board approved the budgets last week.
FDL GOP Sets Caucus
The Fond du Lac County Republican Party will hold their annual caucus Thursday, March 3rd at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Fond du Lac. Registration will begin a 5:30 pm, with the caucus beginning at 6:00 pm. The caucus is the annual business meeting, which will include a 2015 recap and an update of what the county party will be doing in 2016, State Convention, and the county resolutions. To participate in the County Caucus or be a delegate to the Republican Party State Convention you must be a dues paying member of the Republican Party of Fond du Lac County. You may join and pay dues online. The minimum membership is $20.