Training Facility Will Allow FDL Police And Fire To Keep Their Skills Sharpened
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue Chief Peter O’Leary says a public safety training facility in Fond du Lacwill allow both police and fire to keep their people trained for rescue and service calls. O’Leary recently talked about the facility, which he says is currently being designed. He says it will be located in the south part of town in the industrial park. He says they will be allowed to do live fire training at the facility. He says it will also have a firing range for police to get qualified on their weapons. He says they are grateful to the City Council and City staff for their commitment to providing a facility where police and fire can continue to sharpen their skills. He says it will be a state-of-the-art facility.
Severe Weather Week
(WRN) There’s a new wrinkle to Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin. There will be the traditional 1:00 statewide mock tornado watch and 1:45 mock tornado warning for schools and businesses, and a second drill at 6:55 aimed more towards families. Pritchard says that’s a great time to go over your family’s emergency plan.
Right To Work
(WRN) Governor Scott Walker says he’s hopeful the appeals court would grant a stay for a Dane County judge’s ruling that overturned Wisconsin’s right-to-work law. The judge handed down the decision last Friday. The state is expecting to appeal.
Walker As VP?
(WRN) Governor Scott Walker seems unsure what to make of Donald Trump saying in an interview Monday that he would consider him on his list of possible running mates. Speaking to U-S-A Today, Trump listed Walker, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and Ohio Governor John Kasich as possible vice presidential picks, if he wins the Republican nomination.
Marian University Takes Back The Night
Marian University will host Take Back the Night tonight at 4:30pm in the Sadoff Auditorium in theStayer Center. One in three women and one in six men will experience sexual assault during their lifetime. ASTOP Executive Director Jan McDough says they are teaming up with Marian for a variety of activities this week to promote awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. She says you can visit their Facebook page for more information on those activities. During tonight’s event, a panel comprised of a survivor, a law enforcement professional, an advocate, a sexual assault nurse examiner, and a member of the District Attorney’s Office will describe how they work with survivors. This will be followed by a walk around the perimeter of Marian’s campus in solidarity to show support.