Local News
Local News Briefs Wednesday 4/20/16
Former Convent Building Will Become Bed And Breakfast
The Henry Boyle Home, formerly a St. Agnes Convent building, will be getting a new use as a bed and breakfast. Fond du Lac Principal Planner Joellyn Dahlin says the City’s Plan Commission this week decided to recommend to the City Council approving a special use permit to allow that use at 271 N. Park Avenue. She says there will be no more than seven guest rooms on the second floor. The rest of the building would include private quarters for the owner, Kelly Hansburg, on the third floor and three family suites on the first floor for her immediate family. The building was built through the philanthropic efforts of Fond du Lac businessman Henry Boyle and in 1902 was deeded to the Sisters of St. Agnes. It was used until 2000 as a nursing home and convent by the Congregation. It was sold to a private party and has been vacant ever since.
Drug Drop Box Relocation Explained
Fond du Lac Assistant Police Chief Steve Thiry says moving the Drug Drop Box from the department’s parking lot to the inside lobby will provide more security. He says weather did hamper the efforts of some people to safely get rid of their old prescription drugs. He says water and ice would build up and kept if from opening and closing properly. He says that led to another issue. People who ran into that issue would then leave their prescription medications on top of the box, which is against DEA regulations. He says another advantage of moving the Drug Drop Box inside the police station is it provides more security for people who are dropping off their old prescriptions. The Fond du Lac Police Department put in the Drug Drop Box, the first in Wisconsin, in 2008.
NFDL Village Board Welcomes New Board Member
The North Fond du Lac Village Board this week said goodbye to a long-time trustee and welcomed a new trustee. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says Tammy Keller’s decision not to run for reelection opened the door for a new member. He says John Duffy was elected in her stead and incumbent Keith King was reelected. New Trustee John Duffy previously served on the North Fond du Lac School Board as its president. Keller served on the Village Board for nine years. Hornung says he kept her name plate just in case she decides to run for the board again sometime in the future. He says after the board’s meeting Monday they served refreshments and cake in Keller’s honor.
Power Outage Reported In FDL
A spokesperson for Alliant Energy says 840 customers in Fond du Lac were without power Tuesday morning. The outage started when equipment failed causing a circuit to go out at the Hickory Street Substation on the City’s southwest side shortly after 8 a.m. Most people had their power restored by 9:30 with a smaller amount affected until about 10:15.
Home Sales Down In FDL County
While most of the state enjoyed a 4.2 percent increase in existing home sales for the first quarter of the year, the sales of homes in Fond du Lac County was down by 3.5 percent. According to the Wisconsin Realtors Association 194 homes were sold in the County during the first three months of year compared to 201 during the first quarter of 2015. However the median price of a home in the County was up by 14.3 percent. As for home sales last month in Fond du Lac County they were down by 6.8 percent compared to March of last year.
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Trevor Wisconsin Man Arrested For Child Enticement
Winnebago County officials have charged a 29-year-old Trevor man following an undercover child enticement investigation. Bond was set at $10,000 cash when Joshua Scheil made his initial court appearance this week. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for May 2nd. Scheil is charged with three felonies. According to County Sheriff’s officials Scheil allegedly posed as someone named the “Rev” on the internet. He arranged to meet with someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl for sex. That teen was actually an undercover officer. The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office has been an Internet Crimes against Children affiliate since January of 2015 and in that time has been a part of over 25 ICAC related arrests.
Agnesian HealthCare Consolidating Walk In Clinics
Agnesian HealthCare will be consolidating its walk-in clinics on Fond du Lac’s east side effective June 19th. Area individuals and families have been receiving walk-in care from Agnesian EZ Care at 1107 E. Johnson Street and Agnesian Convenient Care Clinic at 145 N. Main Street. Both facilities are within close proximity to one another. Patients can receive care at the Agnesian EZ Care until 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 18. Beginning on Sunday, June 19, patients can be seen at the Agnesian Convenient Care Clinic. Holiday hours are available at the Agnesian Convenient Care Clinic. The Agnesian EZ Care in Waupun will remain open, and will be adjusting its hours slightly starting July 1 to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.