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Marian University Statement On A.C. Nielsen Building Purchase
Marian University released information Thursday on their plans to purchase the A.C Nielsen building in downtown Fond du Lac. “Marian’s purchase of this building will allow us to relocate the School of Nursing and Health Professions from our Agnes Center on East Division Street to the more spacious Main Street Building,” said Robert Fale, interim president of Marian. “The vacated space in our Agnes Center will be strategically reallocated at a later date.” “Moving the School of Nursing and Health Professions to the former Nielsen building will enhance the education of our students by bringing together didactic and simulated learning in one location, add a simulated hospital unit to expand critical simulated learning experiences, foster interdisciplinary education with our expanding health professions programs and, being situated in the downtown area, allow us to continue our community engagement efforts,” said Dr. Julie Luetschwager, dean of the School of the Nursing and Health Professions. Nielsen, which remains committed its associates and the Fond du Lac community, will continue to occupy space in the building. In addition Agnesian Healthcare will lease one floor to accommodate their information technology department. “We believe Marian’s presence, together with that of Agnesian HealthCare, will add to the growing vibrancy of the downtown area,” said Fale. Marian University photo of Robert Fale.