Local News
McQuitty Runs For FDL County Board

Cary McQuitty says when people continued to urge him to run for the Fond du Lac County Board he decided he would. McQuitty actually ran for District 22 before, four years ago. He says with dwindling state financial support the board has to make tough decisions. He says down the road there will be tough choices on cutting programs, reorganizing programs or raising taxes which would be his last choice. At some point in the next few years the board will have to make a decision about letting the County sales tax sunset. McQuitty says if it were up to him he would allow the tax to sunset. He says they could always have fresh debate on whether it should continue. He also says maintaining our roads and infrastructure is important. McQuitty says he and his wife really like Fond du Lac and running for the County Board is his way of giving back.