KFIZ Personalities
The Local Team You Depend On

Shawn Kiser – Vice President/Brand Manager/KFIZ Today Host
About Shawn: Shawn is a Fond du Lac native who started working at KFIZ at the ripe age of 15 back in 1995 producing sports broadcasts as a part-timer. In 1999 he was elevated to a full-time position, and in 2001 he was promoted to the station’s Program Director. Shawn left in March of 2005 to pursue broadcasting opportunities in Green Bay. After 18 years away, “SK” as he’s known to many returned “home” to KFIZ in October of 2022 to serve as Vice President of the station’s parent company Mountain Dog Media, Brand Manager of KFIZ, and host of its flagship program KFIZ Today.
Along with spending more than 16 years in radio and television, SK has spent more than ten years helping non-profits across northeast Wisconsin raise millions of dollars and has served as emcee for dozens of fundraising galas.
When not playing radio or raising money, SK can be found spending time with his teenage daughter, traveling to Las Vegas, or cheering on his beloved Chicago Cubs.
Email – sk@mdogmedia.com
Twitter – @SKrallyman

Nick Van Nocker – KFIZ Today Host/Voice of High School Football
About Nick: Nick was born and raised in Fond du Lac, WI and grew up listening to Bob Uecker on KFIZ. At the age of 18, Nick wanted to pursue his passion of sports broadcasting by landing an internship in the sport department at KFIZ. During that time, he was able to cover high schools sports around the area and attend Brewers, Badgers and Packer games learning from some of the best sportscasters in the industry. After KFIZ, Nick worked radio for several other stations and had a short stint working in production at WFRV-TV in Green Bay, WI.
His passion has always been sports and the legacy of KFIZ. Nick has been making on air appearances since 2003, assisting in play-by-play for high school sports and occasionally filling on the weekend morning show. In 2023, he took on a larger roll at KFIZ as co-host of KFIZ Today and the lead play-by-play voice for High School Football. In his free time, Nick is married to Jodi and has two girls both involved in athletics so he enjoys spending time watching their softball and soccer games.
Email – nick@mdodgmedia.com
Twitter (X) – @radionickv

Doug Raflik – KFIZ News Director
About Doug: News Director Doug Raflik’s start in news gathering happened when he was about 12 years old, though he didn’t know it at the time. He was by a friend’s house that had a police scanner and a fire page went out for the local fire department. Intrigued by this device, Doug asked for a police scanner for Christmas and got his wish. Scanning became an instant full-time hobby.
A second passion of Doug’s was severe weather. He would take several trips out to the great plains to watch majestic supercell thunderstorms churn over the open prairies and he eventually bought a camera to capture the breathtaking views. When there were no storms to chase, Doug combined his new passion for photography and scanning and went to scenes he heard on the scanner to take photos.
Local newspapers showed interest in Doug’s photos and he would eventually get hired on as chief photojournalist at a local paper. Breaking news became not only a desire to capture in photos and video, but also a source of income. With the newspaper falling farther and farther away from local news, including breaking news,
Doug reached out to KFIZ for a job as their first photographer in their 100-year existence. Doug’s passion for capturing news visually was instantly evident and he was hired on. After just a few short months at the station, the position of News Director opened up and Doug decided it was the right time to expand his news gathering passion into the writing of the stories he covered and producing broadcasts on the radio. Doug can be seen at any variety of breaking news at all hours of the day and night as well as the events that make a small town, a small town. If you see Doug at an event, feel free to go up and say hi. Unless it’s at an active shooting situation. Then you may want to wait for another time.
E-mail the News Team: NewsTip@KFIZ.com
Call the News Tip HotLine at: 920.602.8991
Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/749172918610076/

Chuck Freimund – KFIZ Sports Director/Host of KFIZ Sportsnight
About Chuck: Chuck Freimund has been living in the Fond du Lac area for almost 30 years, and takes an invested interested in the sports community. In addition to his Sports Director Duties at KFIZ, you can find him doing various work on Milwaukee and State-wide TV stations and Networks-covering the professional and college scene. Freimund is also a National Sports Correspondent and sportscaster for the worldwide AP Radio Network. He has also been a host on various sportsradio stations in Milwaukee and host of the state-wide prep football show “Football Friday Night-which airs on KFIZ-during the football season
Chuck received the Wisconsin Broadcasters Award for Sportscast of the Year – Medium Market in May of 2024.
Email the Sports Team: kfizsports@gmail.com
Twitter (X) – @chuckfreimund

Pam Janke – Midwest Farm Report – Weekdays 5am-6am
About Pam: Getting up at 2 in the morning might shock some of her listeners, but for Pam Jahnke, it’s part of the business. Born in Northeastern Wisconsin, Pam Jahnke grew up in agriculture. Raised on her family’s 200-acre dairy farm, she learned the “farm work ethic” first hand. Pam has been dedicated to agriculture throughout her life being actively involved in both 4-H and FFA activities. She happily served as a 4-H camp counselor, was a dairy exhibitor in county fairs, and even reigned as Oconto County’s Dairy Queen.
At the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, Pam studied broadcast journalism and broad area agriculture. She started that campus’s first ever “Farm Show” on the radio and received the top national scholarship from the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB). After college, Pam moved into her chosen field, doing farm broadcasting, radio, and television, from Green Bay to Eau Claire, WI – and she’s never looked back. Pam often says she feels like farm broadcasting and communicating on behalf of food producers is exactly what she was made for.
More recently Pam served as the 2010 president of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, and in 2013 was named Farm Broadcaster of the Year.
She’s received many honors, including the “Honorary Recognition” award from UW-Madison’s College of Agriculture, her honorary “American FFA Degree”, and citations from the Wisconsin State Senate. Pam’s been named “Friend of Agriculture” by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture for her assistance in raising awareness of the “Harvest of Hope” program. She’s been honored as “Agri Marketing Person Of The Year” by the Badger chapter of the National Agrimarketing Association.
In her spare time, Pam is active in farming in partnership with her brother, sister, and parents on the home farm.

Jerry St. John – KFIZ Today Weekend Edition Host
National Coverage Team

Brian Kilmeade – Weekdays 9am-11am
Website: https://www.briankilmeade.com/

Jamie Markley – David VanCamp – Scott Robins
Markley, VanCamp and Robbins – Weekdays 11am-2pm
Website: https://www.markleyvancamprobbins.com/

Sean Hannity – Weekdays 2pm-5pm
Website – https://hannity.com/

Mark Levin – Weeknights 6pm-7pm
Website: https://www.marklevinshow.com/

Dave Ramsey – Weeknights 7pm-9pm
Website: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/

The Bart Winkler Show – 9pm-12am
Fond du Lac native Bart Winkler talks national sports each weeknight at 9pm on KFIZ.
Website: https://www.bartwinklershow.com/