Local News
More Than Forty Cited For Underage Drinking At Town Of Byron Party

More than 40 people were cited for underage drinking after the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office got an anonymous tip about an underage drinking party in the Town of Byron last Friday night. Deputy Sheriff Mark Strand says when deputies arrived there were about 100 people ranging in age from 17-23-years-old. He says five deputies remained on the scene for about 3 ½ hours to make sure everyone got home safely. He says eventually people are going to leave and bad things happen to good people all the time. Forty-two people were cited for underage drinking, 2 were taken into custody on outstanding warrants and a 21-year-old was cited for “social hosting.” He says this is why they have a “social hosting” ordinance. Strand says he’s glad they heard about the party early. He says they don’t have the luxury of just not dealing with it and nor would they want to. The incident was reported just before 11 p.m. Friday night.