Local News
Motorcycle safety Training Summit to be held in conjunction with Motorcycle Awareness Month

In an effort to reduce motorcycle crashes, motorcyclist injuries and fatalities, the Wisconsin Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (MoSAC) in collaboration with the Wisconsin Bureau of Transportation Safety (BOTS), Wisconsin Motorcycle Safety Program (WMSP) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is conducting a Wisconsin Motorcycle Training Summit-2024 at Waukesha County Technical College on June 7, 8 & 9.
All Wisconsin motorcyclists are invited to attend as well as traffic safety advocates to participate in this 2 1/2 day event that will focus on motorcycle training, motorcycle awareness, and motorcycle safety solutions.
The Summit will offer lectures, workshops, riding demonstrations, hands-on riding opportunities, and mock-motorcycle crash management demonstrations.
For additional information visit: mosac.conerider.net, www.mosac.us , or find them on Facebook at: Wisconsin MoSAC.