Local News
MPTC Project Helps Breast Cancer Recovery

Caption: Moraine Park staff and students, along with Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac members, presented Gail Riedasch, third from left, of Breast Cancer Recovery with a check for $6,000. Proceeds were from the inaugural Pink Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk held in October.
Through community support and volunteer efforts, the inaugural Pink
Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk raised $6,000 for Breast Cancer Recovery. The event was sponsored
Fabulous Fond du Lac. The donation will support Breast Cancer Recovery’s
mission to provide environments for women breast cancer survivors, as well as
women in all stages of breast cancer, to heal emotionally by attending wellness
to Gail Riedasch, executive director of Breast Cancer Recovery, the retreats
are designed to help women find inner strength and experience the hope needed
to live each day beyond the boundaries of breast cancer. “The impact is immeasurable,”
said Riedasch. “This donation will allow four women to experience an Infinite
Boundaries® retreat.”
Pink Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk, held Oct. 16, exemplified
focus on service-learning, which gives students opportunities to participate in
organized service activities that meet community needs. Brenda Schaefer,
coordinator, joined forces with Jeff Stueber, business management instructor,
to spearhead the event. It was Stueber’s business practice firm classes that
coordinated marketing efforts and found sponsors, while Schaefer worked with
six other program areas to integrate the service-learning component into the
family-focused event. Schaefer and Stueber are also Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du
Lac members. “The service-learning and international education opportunities offered
by Moraine Park expose students to professional and personal experiences they
may not otherwise have,” said Caron Daugherty, dean of general education.
donation to Breast Cancer Recovery was made possible by the 310 participants, 60
volunteers and numerous local organizations that came together to support the cause.
For information about the second-annual Pink Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk, set for
October 17, 2015, visit greatpinkpumpkinrun.com. For more information about