Local News
Naked Home Invasion Suspect Makes Initial Court Appearance

Bond was set at $250,000 cash for the 26-year-old Fond du Lac man accused of entering homes while he was nude. Lucas Leffel was charged with three counts of Burglary to a Dwelling and four counts of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of an Unconscious Victim when he made his initial court appearance in Fond du Lac County Court Tuesday morning. According to court documents Leffel entered the homes to touch sleeping women for his own sexual gratification. His mother brought him into the police station after the latest incident on August 8th after seeing him standing in front of her home in the early morning hours in only his underwear. The latest incident happened on Greenbriar Avenue the same street he and his mother live on. In each case he entered the home through an unlocked door. In one case the home was that of a police officer who chased him out and down a street before he got away. The four home invasions on the southeast side of the City began in late June. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 21st.