Local News
Names Released in Fatal Head On Collision on Hwy. 175

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s office has released the names of the drivers involved in the head on collision yesterday. 53-yr old Abel Rodriguez of Fond du Lac was traveling southbound on Hwy 175 at approx 8:14am, on Thursday, when it crossed the center line and struck a northbound truck pulling a trailer which as operated by 51-yr. old Gary Peters of Theresa. Rodriguez was pronounced dead at the scene. Peters was flown to Theda Care Hospital in Neenah for treatment of serious injuries. The accident reports shows Rodriguez was wearing a seatbelt but Peters was not. Alcohol is not considered a factor in the crash. The Fond du Lac County Sheriff Office was assisted at the scene by the Brownsville Fire Department and First Responders as well as a City of Fond du Lac Paramedic unit. The Fond du Lac County Highway also assisted with traffic control. The Sheriff’s Office is continuing its investigation into the crash.