Local News
National Fire Prevention Week is Underway
National Fire Prevention Week is underway and Fond du Lac
Fire and Rescue is partnering with the National Fire Protection Association to encourage
residents to practice their fire escape plan. This year’s theme for Fire
Prevention Week is “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your
Escape!”, and works to educate people about the small, but important
actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe.
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue will be hosting a series of
events in support of this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign. Those events
include a live fire demonstration to show the impact a fire has on a
residential home, and information for the public about how to prevent, respond,
extinguish and escape a home fire. The public is also invited to a Fire
Prevention Open House Tuesday evening from 4:30 until 6:30 pm at Fire Station
#1 on south Main Street. National Fire Prevention Week continues through
October 12th.