Local News
Natural Beauty Council Beautification Award Winners

The Natural Beauty Council presented their annual beautification awards during the Fond du Lac County Board meeting this week. Among this year’s winners are the Children’s Museum, the YMCA Boys & Girls Club, Hope Lutheran Church, and Tons of Fun Costumes Shop all in Fond du Lac. Farms receiving the recognition include LaClare Goat Farms in Malone and Vision Aire Farms in Eldorado. Among the historical properties winning the award are the Coach House Bed and Breakfast in Fond du Lac, Country Aire Bed and Breakfast in Rosendale, the Terry and Jane Gaffney Historical Homestead in Fond du Lac, the Galloway House and Village, and the John and Jill LeBouton Historical Home in Fond du Lac, 4-H Club winners included the Spring Valley 4-H and Welcome 4-H Club in Eden for the flower gardens and landscaping they planted at intersections in Ripon and Eden. The beautification awards have been presented since 1968.