Local News
New Festival Has Name Now Needs Logo
Fondy’s newest Festival has a name, now all it needs is a logo. Organizers of “Spark: A Graphic and Interactive Arts Festival” are seeking a logo for the Festival, which will be held in Fond du Lac on August 21-23rd of 2020. The logo must align with the purpose of the Festival to provide area residents and visitors of all ages an entertaining and educational adventure as well as provide an opportunity for them to showcase their graphic and interactive arts talents. The Festival will include, among other arts, graphic novels, comics, apps, board games, animation, tattoos, posters, graffiti, web design and video games. Events will be held at Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac, Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership galleries and businesses, the Fond du Lac Public Library, Moraine Park Technical College, Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts, and other venues. Logo submissions will be open from October 1, 2019 through December 6, 2019. All submissions will then be evaluated by a volunteer committee with the winning design revealed in early February 2020. Logo requirements, evaluation criteria, and submission information are available at www.sparkgraphicartsfestival.com and Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership, 131 S. Main Street.