Local News
New K9 Chosen For Dodge County Sheriffs Department

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt says they’ve already picked out their next K9 to replace the police dog they are retiring. He says the new dog is named “Kid” and is a 2 ½ year old German Shepard that is already trained. Kid will be working with Sergeant Joseph Nicholas who was also Paige’s handler. He says Nicholas had Paige for a year and did well with the dog. He says Nicholas is the right choice for Kid and is very excited and passionate about the K9 program. Schmidt says Kid is trained in one aspect of enforcement that Paige wasn’t. He says Kid is trained in drug detection, tracking and handler protection. He says Paige wasn’t trained in handler protection. Sergeant Nicholas and K9 Kid began their training Monday and should be going on patrol starting the week of July 11th.