Local News
NFDL Ambulance Transport Services Renewed For Six Months

The North Fond du Lac Village Board recently renewed an ambulance transport services program for another six months. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says the second ambulance spent about 90 percent of its time sitting in an ambulance bay until it was needed. Under a program started last July the back up ambulance is used to transport patients being released from either a hospital to a nursing home or to another hospital for additional specialty care services. Hornung says, “We looked into the possibility of creating additional revenue by creating this transport service and that’s really what is running from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.” Hornung credits their Fire and EMS people for making the program self-sufficient. He says, “I have to give the EMS staff Jake Flaherty and Adam Moriarty for really growing that business, really going out and searching out transport opportunities.” Hornung notes the program has been trending upwards and believes it will be renewed when the board reviews it in another six months.