Local News
NFDL Man Arraigned On Negligent Homicide Charges

A 33-year-old North Fond du Lac man was recently arraigned on a pair of homicide by negligent use of a vehicle charges. Travis Wollersheim pled not guilty to the charges stemming from a fatal accident on I-41 in Fond du Lac on June 22nd of 2016. A 26-year-old man and 8-year-old boy from Neenah were killed in the accident. According to the criminal complaint Wollersheim was going 68 miles an hour when his SUV ran into the back of a car that was behind a stopped semi on I-41 between the Johnson and Military Road exits. The victims were passengers in the car he rear-ended. Wollersheim told investigators he was looking into his passenger side mirror because he planned to take an exit and when he looked up he saw the car in front of him had stopped. He will be back in Fond du Lac County Court for a hearing on April 9th.