Local News
NFDL Pool Enhancement Fund Receives Donations

North Fond du Lac officials accepted two donations at the Village Board meeting this week for the Pool Enhancement Fund. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says they got a $1,500 donation from Alliant Energy and a $4,600 donation from the North Fond du Lac Schools, which was half of the proceeds from their Oriole Golf Open. He says the fund is building. He says they have $35,000 to $40,000 in it and get a donation every couple of weeks from the aluminum cans the North Fond du Lac Optimists collect on their behalf. He says they have enough money built up in the fund to begin planning for a first phase of improvements at the Village Pool. He says that could include increasing the footprint of the pool, some new fencing, maybe a new shelter. He says they will do the planning over the winter and start the work in the spring if possible.
Pictured from left to right Village President Jim Moore, North Fond du Lac School District Event Organizer Deb Gorske, and Village Administrator Chuck Hornung.