Local News
NFDL Village Board Approves Environmental Site Assessment For Former Salvage Yard
The North Fond du Lac Village Board Monday night approved the hiring of MSA Professional Services to do a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment for the former Zoch Salvage Yard. The 11 or 12 soil borings the company will do for the Village will let them know what if any environmental remediation might be needed for the site on Highway 45. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says they have a few parties interested in possible development of the site.He notes they could have some options if remediation is needed. Some times the property will require capping and other times soil will have to be removed. MSA gave a range of costs for the work depending on what has to be done. The costs ranged from $18,955 to not more than $19,870. The property is part of Tax Incremental District and costs will be paid for through that money.