Local News
NFDL Village Board Approves Grant Match For Exhaust System
The North Fond du Lac Village Board recently approved a five percent match for a $70,000 grant that will pay for a fire bay exhaust system. The current Fire and EMS Bay is too close to the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning system for the municipal building in North Fond du Lac. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says they tried moving the vehicles outside for when they are being checked, but that spot was also too close to the HVAC system. He says, “Unfortunately all that exhaust ends up in our HVAC system and gets distributed throughout our entire building.” He explained the exhaust system that is being purchased. He says, “With this exhaust system when they start a vehicle up they hook exhaust flexible tubing to it so the exhaust goes right out way out of the top peak far corner of the building and should not affect our HVAC.” Hornung says the five percent for the Village will come to about $3,500.