Local News
Nine Arrested For Drunken Driving During Enforcement Effort

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies made nine drunken driving arrests during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign. The effort ran from December 18th through January 3rd. Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says a grant does pay for some overtime during such a campaign, but every officer during the campaign should be looking for violations during that period. He says getting nine drunken drivers off the road is an accomplishment. He says thankfully there weren’t any major crashes or fatal accidents during the campaign. Deputies also issued citations for 3 seatbelt violations, 203 speeding violations and 35 operating after revocation or suspension violations. They also made 7 drug arrests and 2 felony arrests. The County finished up 2015 with 12 traffic fatalities, which matched the County’s five-year average.