No Mow May to return to City of Fond du Lac in 2024

The Fond du Lac City Council has again approved a No or Low Mow May for 2024.

No Mow May is an idea that grew out of the United Kingdom in 2019 that helps early season pollinators, namely bees, have a food source in the quickly sprouting weed type flowers that are usually the first flowers in spring like dandelions and clover flowers. These flowers tend to bloom before wild flowers and landscaping flowers in local flower gardens.

In studies, it’s shown that bee activity on lawns participating in no mow may have a five fold presence of bees over lawns that are cut short.

Fond du Lac City residents will be allowed to let their lawn grow in the month of May without being in violation of a city ordinance which limits the height of grass to six inches. However, to participate, you must sign your lawn up. You can do so by filling out a short form on the city’s website that simply asks your name and address.