Local News
Oakfield Boil Water Bottled Water Advisory

Officials with the Village of Oakfield say a loss of water pressure at the water tower is the reason a boil water and bottle water advisory has been issued. The advisory is required by the DNR when water pressure drops below a certain point due the risk from coliform bacteria. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed, which is a warning of potential problems. No fecal coliform or E.coli was found in a subsequent test of the water. During the advisory Village residents should boil or use commercially bottled water for drinking, food preparation, and making ice. Water should be heated to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it’s used. Ice should be made from boiled or bottled water. The advisory will remain in effect until sampling shows there is no bacteria present in the water. Anyone with questions about the safety of the Village’s drinking water should call Brandon Kaufman at (920) 539-7946.