Local News
O’Leary Praises Haase after State Fire Inspector Award
The Wisconsin State Fire Inspector of the ?Year is part of Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase received the award last week – after being nominated by Chief Peter O’Leary.
O’Leary says “We’re all proud of him. Certainly to see somebody nominated and receive an award like that is humbling, there’s no doubt about it. You know he’s done all this work and I think he’s gifted in the fact that he’s very organized, he’s very driven, and he’s results-oriented. So those are all things – those are attributes he’s had that play to his favor and I’m certainly not shocked that he’s been awarded this great honor, no doubt.”
O’Leary adds that “he [Haase] orchestrated a way to get sixty firefighters certified as state fire
inspectors. These are just things he does – he’s got a great drive and he
continues to push hard to advocate for fire safety. And at the end, everybody
who lives, works, and travels in this community is a benefactor of that.”
He also points out that the results of Haase’s actions truly show through “all of those things he does, he does with a great deal of effort and
results – and results are pretty easy to see. Our fire losses are down as far
as the dollar figures. We haven’t had a fire fatality in almost ten years.”