Local News
Olig Honored With Exchange Club District Presidential Award

Fond du Lac Exchange Club Treasurer Rick Olig got quite the surprise during the Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula District Convention in Wisconsin Rapids. He says he knew about two awards, but didn’t have an idea who might win the President’s Award. He says the award is usually given to someone who has gone above and beyond and made a significant impact. He says when he found out he had won the President’s Award for 2015-2016 he was speechless and a little moved as well. Olig says the Fond du Lac Exchange Club does a lot for the community, which is why he is glad to be part of it. He says some of their efforts include; distributing American Flags at the Memorial Day Parade, the petting zoo at Lakeside Park, helping fund a child abuse and domestic abuse educator in the schools. They also support the Solutions Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Family Resource Center and others.