Local News
Osceola Supervisor’s Race Could Get Tighter
Officials in the Town of Osceola should know this afternoon who the winner is in a Town Supervisor’s race. Right now Virgil Budde is the winner of the Supervisor #2 race getting 206 votes to Jim Walter’s 205. But there are still some outstanding absentee ballots that might arrive in the mail before the Town’s Board of Canvass meets tomorrow afternoon. Those ballots have to have been postmarked by this past Tuesday and have to arrive by U.S. Mail. Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says there are 7 outstanding ballots for the race, but they might not all arrive by the deadline. She says after the Board meets and certifies the race the loser has a few days, up to three, to ask for a recount. Freiberg says there are nearly a couple hundred outstanding absentee ballots out for all of Fond du Lac County.