Oshkosh Man Held On $1 Million Bond For Fond du Lac County Fatal Crash

Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney announced yesterday that the driver of a vehicle that caused a fatal crash on January 14th in Fond du Lac County will be
charged with multiple felonies related to the crash.

Brian Sippel of Oshkosh was the driver of a pickup truck that was traveling southbound on Highway 151 near Interstate 41 and crashed at highway speeds into two vehicles that were stopped for the traffic lights at the junction of Highway 41.

A 58-year-old male from Waukesha in one of the cars was killed and his 62 year old passenger was critically injured in the crash.

The passengers in the other vehicle were uninjured.

Sippel is being charged with seven felonies including homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle while having prior intoxicated related convictions, injury by intoxicated use of a vehicle, and three counts of first degree reckless endangering safety.

Sipple was convicted with drunk driving in 2004 and 2017.

He faces over 50 years in prison and is being held on $1 million cash bond.

District Attorney Toney said “Drunk drivers continue to cause death on our highways and we will continue to aggressively prosecute those responsible in the hopes of deterring future drunk drivers and seek justice for those affected by drunk drivers.”

Sipple’s next court appearance is set for January 26th at 1:30 PM.