Local News
Palas Says She’s In Support Of Lakeside Park Master Plan
The voting will continue tomorrow, in the City Council Chambers, as the FDL City Council will meet and included in their agenda, will be the discussion and decision on the Lakeside Park Master Plan. The question will be, will they vote to press play? Or to pause.
Sarah Palas is the General Manager of the Coliseum Sports Bar and Grill in downtown Fond du lac, and says no matter what side of the Plan you sit on, it’s been great to see so many people get out and voice their opinion. “I’ve been attending City Council meetings for years now and have never seen this much community input, and I think that’s an excellent thing.” Palas says she supports the plan, and what it could mean to all of Fond du Lac. “I’m hoping the plan goes through. I’ve been for it since day one, and I think that it will bring more to not only just Fond du Lac, but businesses in general. We need some new ideas, some fresh ideas.”
Council is set to meet at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday in the Council Chambers located in the City County Government building. The max capacity in the room has been set at 50 people, due to COVID-19 guidelines.