Local News
Papers Signed To Sell Former Theater To Commonwealth

Papers have been signed for
the sale of the former Retlaw Theater building at
adjacent property at
Commonwealth President Louie Lange says “Commonwealth did in fact purchase the Retlaw Theater
as of last Friday. The theater building along with
into office and retail space on the first floor, luxury market rate apartments
on the second floor and the third floor will continue to be occupied by
Wempner’s Dance Studio if they choose to remain under their lease terms.
The projected cost of the historic façade restoration and building
redevelopment, which will include the demolition of the vacant and dilapidated
theater spaces to allow for parking and window/door openings on the Eastern
façade, is currently estimated to be $2,440,000. A $400,000 grant from
the WEDC was received to support the project as described. Construction
is to begin shortly and Commonwealth is very thankful for all of the support it
has received and continues to receive for this extremely important downtown
Once renovated, the downtown
property will house office space for Commonwealth and also create luxury market
rate apartments. The backend of the
former theater will be torn down and replaced by a parking lot.