Local News
Peg Lautenschlager On Serving On The Ethics Commission

Former State Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager says being named to the state’s new Ethics Commission came as a bit of a surprise. A drunken driving ticket in Dodge County in 2004 while she was attorney general led to her own appearance before the state’s then Ethics Board. She paid a $250 fine for using a state vehicle for personal use. The Fond du Lac resident says she gave some thought to serving on the Ethics Commission when she was asked. She says getting back into the public arena opens you up to public comment, but she also has been very involved in many of the issues that comes before the commission. She says this election cycle will be a true test for the commission. She says they have jurisdiction on lobbying, ethics in terms of how state employees conduct themselves, and campaign financing. Lautenschlager says she hopes the work the commission accomplishes will be what Wisconsin residents expect of them.