Local News
PHOTOS: Multiple fire departments respond large vegetation fire on Lakeshore Drive north of Fond du Lac

A controlled burn of some marshy area by a land owner turned into an out of control fire Wednesday, April 10, 2024 on Lakeshore Drive between Lincoln and Chestnut Roads.
At about 6:12 PM, an officer with the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office was investigating smoke in the area and found a marsh area on fire.
Upon further investigation, the officer stated it was a controlled burn that was now out of control and requested the Van Dyne Fire Department to respond.
At about 6:40 PM, Van Dyne requested mutual aid from Eldorado and Lamartine, Town of Fond du Lac and North Fond du Lac Fire Departments. According to News Director Doug Raflik who was on scene, the Nekimi Fire Department was also on scene.
At about 7:40, the fire appeared to be mostly out with fire personnel cleaning up any left over hot spots.
Also responding to assist at this scene was City of Fond du Lac Police, Wisconsin State Patrol and the Wisconsin DNR.