Local News
Pinning Ceremony Held For FDL Fire And Rescue Newest Officers

Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue held a pinning ceremony for its two newly promoted officers Wednesday morning. Captain Jim Knowles has been with the department 19 years and Lt. Jason Roberts for 10 years. Knowles says he was about four-years-old when he realized he wanted to be a firefighter. His dad was a volunteer with the Oakfield Fire Department. Knowles got his training and says was fortunate to land a job in Fond du Lac. Roberts (pictured with wife and daughter) says he was in grade school when he set a goal to become a firefighter. He says he loves the job. He says every day is a treat and it is a joy to come to work. Chief Peter O’Leary says he’s proud of both men. He says Knowles has a very positive attitude and Roberts is a quiet leader. He says in his opinion Fond du Lac has the best fire department in the state because of its employees. City Clerk Maggie Hefter swore the two in to their new ranks.
Captain Jim Knowles gets his Captain’s badge pinned on him by his wife.