Plans Already Underway To Prepare for 2025 NFL Draft In Green Bay

Preparations are already underway for the expected big crowds Green Bay will see during the NFL Draft in the city in 2025.

Airports and event centers in the area are taking steps to ensure they’re ready for the event expected to draw close to a quarter million people to the area.

Staff at Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport, say they’ve been speaking with different airlines for the past two years about Green Bay’s potential of hosting the draft. The airport anticipates both additional commercial flights and private jets coming in and out of the airport for the draft.

They also plan on increasing staff ahead of the big event to accommodate all the extra traffic.

Meanwhile, officials at Appleton International Airport also plan on airlines adding more flights during the week of the draft and possibly beyond, hoping that as people from around the world get a taste of what Northeast Wisconsin has to offer, they’ll be more inclined to come back,” said Jesse Funk, Public Information Officer at the Appleton Airport.

Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy, and Brad Toll of Discover Green Bay are expected to make their first official press conference today since news was announced about the draft coming to Green Bay.