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Presents For Pediatrics Campaign A Success

The 12th annual Marian University Student Nurses Association (MUSNA) Presents for Pediatrics campaign has collected more than 700 gifts for children in Wisconsin Hospitals.
Each holiday season, MUSNA collects toys, DVD’s, books, games, activity sets and other gifts and delivers them to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and Neenah. The gifts, either donated gifts or purchases through monetary donations, were donated to the hospitals’ pediatric units.
Presents for Pediatrics focuses on children who are suffering from an acute or chronic illness during the holidays. The children are separated from friends and family and are in a new and often frightening environment. The Presents for Pediatrics project seeks to be a positive distraction from hospital life for the patients and families. Even the littlest gift — a board game, an art kit, or a stuffed bunny — can bring smiles to faces that are often in the midst of major life challenges.
“This project is both an enjoyable and rewarding experience,” said Nancy Noble, associate professor and co-advisor of MUSNA. “The nursing students are able to experience the positive impact this project has on children and their families. This project is a great example of service which is one of Marian’s core values. The donations from students, faculty and friends of Marian will help to make the holidays a little brighter for children who will be spending time in the hospital.”