Local News
Private Well Testing In Wake Of Rains And Manure Spill
With recent flood warnings and a manure spill in the area the Fond du Lac County Sanitarian says the only way for rural homeowners to know about the quality of their water is to test it. Gloria Smedema says,” With all this rain and the possible impact to groundwater now is a great time to collect a water sample from your private well. Have it analyzed for both bacteria and nitrate levels.” The cost of the two tests through the County Health Department is $40. Testing is free for families with a baby younger than a year and females who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Infants and pregnant women are at higher risk for nitrate poisoning. Well water test kits are available at certified water labs including Fond du Lac County Health Department at 160 South Macy, Fond du Lac. Call 920/929-3085 (or 929-3178 for Spanish) with questions. Smedema also advises testing if a well’s cap has been damaged or construction has disturbed the ground.
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