Local News
Public Hearing On Hwy 23 Expansion Project Wednesday

While he says he’s not surprised the state’s Department of Transportation has put off the Highway 23 expansion project until 2018 between Fond du Lac and Plymouth, Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel says he can’t mask his disappointment. He says the DOT will do other projects first in part because of a legal challenge by the group 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin. He says that drives up the cost, which is already expected to be $140 million. Buechel says the project will also make that stretch of highway safer and in the mean time there will continue to be accidents on the roadway that injure people or claim lives like a recent accident did. The DOT will hold a public hearing on the expansion project this Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the UW-Fond du Lac Prairie Theater.