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Public meeting Thursday for proposed improvements on the Main Street Bridge (US 45) in downtown Oshkosh

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Northeast Region reminds the public of a live, online public involvement meeting (PIM) for proposed improvements to the Main Street Bridge (US 45) over the Fox River in the city of Oshkosh, Winnebago County. The meeting begins at 5 p.m., Thursday, February 29. The purpose of this meeting is to provide project design information and gather comments on proposed improvements.
This meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. Project engineers will share maps, displays, and exhibits via a live presentation. Information for businesses impacted by road construction will also be included in the presentation. A comment, question, and answer period will follow the live presentation. You can also listen to the project presentation via audio-only on a calling device if you prefer.
Main Street Bridge (US 45) Live, Online Public Involvement Meeting
- When: 5 p.m., Thursday, February 29, 2024
- For live video and audio: Access the meeting via computer or mobile device by going to the Main Street Bridge Project design website and clicking the link at the top of the page at the time of the meeting.
- For audio-only: Call into the meeting via phone. You will hear the presentation and be able to ask questions.
- Conference Call Number: (608) 571-2209, Phone Conference ID: 639 373 228#
The structure is safe for vehicle and pedestrian crossing. The purpose of the project is to preserve the operation of the structural, mechanical, and electrical components of the US 45 Main Street Bridge.
Proposed improvements include:
· Rehabilitate existing electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and structural components of the bascule span
· Minor repairs to the operator’s house and access platforms
· Removal and overlay of the approach span concrete deck
· Removal and replacement of the steel grid deck on the movable span

Construction is currently anticipated to begin in the fall of 2025 and conclude in the spring of 2026. The bridge will be closed during construction to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Project maps, exhibits, and displays will be available for public view and comment. The project team and engineers will be available to explain the proposed improvements and answer questions. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about the proposed improvements and provide input.