Local News
Raccoon Causes Fire After Being Electrocuted Near Highway 41

A raccoon got a bit more than it expected after it climbed a power pole near the intersection of 41 and N last night. Just before 9 PM a passersby reported what they thought was a blown transformer on N just to the east of 41 with the grass around the pole also being on fire.
DOT cameras showed a large area of grass on fire and a local neighbor attempting to put the fire out.
The Eldorado Fire Department was paged, but the good Samaritan was able to get the fire out before they arrived.
Upon closer inspection by authorities, it was found that a raccoon had gotten too close to wires and was electrocuted, starting on fire at the top of the pole and sending sparks to the ground which caught the grass on fire.
According to the Fond du Lac Sheriff’s Office, no one in the are lost power due to the incident.