Local News
Relay For Life Fundraiser Takes Place Today

Relay For Life of Fond du Lac is holding their annual fundraiser for cancer research today, August 4, 2023 in Lakeside Park on Oven Island.
The event kicks off at 4 PM with a survivor lap, where those that are currently dealing with, or have beat cancer, walk around a predetermined path.
After the survivor lap, caregivers and family members can join in for a second lap.
As the sun sets, Relay teams light pre-made luminaria bags that are dedicated in honor or in memory of a loved one taken by cancer.
For more than 35 years, communities around the world have come together to raise funds for a future free from cancer in Relay For Life fundraisers. According to the American Cancer Society, Relay For Life is one of the largest peer-to-peer fundraising events in the world.